Thursday, December 10, 2009

Please sign my virtual Pooptition

Hey Party Puppies,

Here I am on my soapbox again! I'm on a soapbox because otherwise I'd be standing in your filth. I'm sick and tired of dog owners leaving their pet's stinking lincoln logs all over this land that I love. Even though I'm a dog, every now and again I like to stop and smell the flowers and not the scent of your furry friend's feces.

There are a lot of dog owners in my hood that are dropping the ball or rather letting their dogs drop it and not cleaning up after. Sure it's easy to point the paw at these dog owners but isn't it time for a little self reflection? I'm starting with the Murf in the mirror (MJ - miss you).

For you see, I don't blame the humans but rather the person owners who didn't raise them right. Yes you Fido need to share in the responsibility too! They may hold the leash but we control the poop strings. Yes, pups we train them just as much as they train us. Take my Maggie for instance. She can be quite a handful from time to time but I started early whipping her into shape. Perfect example: One morning she tried to roll over one time too many. CARPET SPRAY and next thing you know we're taking a walk!

We need to take action as this flagrant disregard for common decency is besmirching our good name of DOG! So if your owner won't pick up after you do what I do...poop in the house. It's the only way they'll learn!

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